The Ultimate Guide to Active Learning

Superflow creator platform for active learning is special in a way it helps you design learning experience that trigger more flow.

Active learning is crucial for learning new workflows and methodologies because it engages learners in the learning process, helping them to build a deeper understanding and better retention of the material. When learners are actively involved in the learning process, such as through problem-solving or reflecting on their own experiences, they are more likely to apply what they've learned in real-world contexts. This can lead to improved performance, greater confidence, and increased motivation to continue learning. *What do we do about it?* At Superflow, we create learning experiences that can fit right into the learners’ flow of work or personal/professional context. Our users learn new frameworks and methodologies by applying them directly in the real world triggering the optimal experience and driving more flow.

Superflow's 5 Core Principles in Learning Experience Design

🤸‍♀️ Active learning

Why does it matter?

Active learning is crucial for learning new workflows and methodologies because it engages learners in the learning process, helping them to build a deeper understanding and better retention of the material. When learners are actively involved in the learning process, such as through problem-solving or reflecting on their own experiences, they are more likely to apply what they've learned in real-world contexts. This can lead to improved performance, greater confidence, and increased motivation to continue learning.

What do we do about it?

At Superflow, we create learning experiences that can fit right into the learners’ flow of work or personal/professional context. Our users learn new frameworks and methodologies by applying them directly in the real world.

💎 Relevance, timeliness and value

Why does it matter?

Relevance is key for learning because people learn best when information is meaningful and applicable to them. Users are more likely to pay attention, understand concepts, and retain what they learn when it's relevant to their context, needs and level of expertise.

What do we do about it?

Superflow integrates seamlessly into exisitng productivity tools, workspaces and LMSs. This creates an opportunity for easy access to the appropriate learning experience right when it’s needed and helps to establish clear relevance to the bigger picture. We strive to develop experiences that are personalizable through flexible scaffolding that includes video facilitation, transcripts, written nudges, opportunities for high quality timely feedback and links to more in-depth resources when applicable.

🔱 Expert coaching

Why does it matter?

Video facilitation offers many benefits when it comes to learning new workflows or completing reflection activities. Expert coaches can provide valuable context, examples and guidance every step of the way. Learners can pause, rewind and re-watch segments as needed to fully grasp ideas. The conversational, friendly tone of experts also helps to build affective engagement.

What do we do about it?

Each Superflow session is facilitated by an expert coach through snippets of video and written nudges. We work with leading experts who share powerful tips on working with proven frameworks and workflows.

😍 Creation and customization

Why does it matter?

Giving teams agency over their learning empowers them to engage more and feel like they and their needs matter. The ability to create or customize learning experiences allows for greater flexibility in meeting learners' needs and striking the right chord that will boost their motivation.

Providing creators with tools to create and customize high-quality learning experiences enables them to produce great content in less time. This empowers them to have a greater impact on more people, while generating more revenue as well.

What do we do about it?

Superflow's creator platform empowers coaches and team members to create from scratch or customize existing flows and templates. This capability enables creators to deliver better learning experiences more quickly, teams to have more agency and flexibility to determine their own needs, and learners to receive more relevant experiences.

🧠 Flow experience - Why does it matter?

Flow is a state of focused attention and engagement in an activity, where one is fully immersed and enjoying the process of the activity. Flow has been shown to have a positive impact on high performance. According to a study by McKinsey, executives who reported experiencing more Flow at work were five times more productive than those who did not. Additionally, research by the University of California Berkeley found that employees in a state of Flow were more creative and innovative, and produced higher quality work. These findings highlight the importance of designing learning experiences that facilitate Flow, as it can lead to improved performance and productivity.

Effective design is an important factor in facilitating Flow through a platform. Clear and intuitive navigation, minimal distractions, and appropriate scaffolding are all crucial for helping learners focus their mental effort on the most important concepts and skills.

What can we do about it?

We can optimize experiences to embody flow triggers. The Flow Research Collective found that challenge/skill balance, immediate feedback and goal clarity scored the highest among triggers in the work context at Deloitte. Concisely, flow triggers are conditions (as Csikszentmihalyi often described them) that facilitate entry into a Flow state. These Flow State triggers can be one of four types: psychological, environmental, social, or creative. Flow triggers are different for everyone and they are also contextual.

The Flow Genome Project, led by Executive Director Jamie Wheal, notes the following when articulating the business case for having managers run their teams in flow states[ii]

  • 500% increase in productivity for senior executives – McKinsey, 10-year global study of top executives
  • 70% boost in employee productivity and focus – Google
  • 3 days of heightened creativity after a flow state experience – Harvard
  • 430% increase in creative problem solving – University of Sydney
  • 490% faster skill acquisition – Advanced Brain Monitoring & DARPA
  • Increased employee satisfaction and sense of meaning from work – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  • “Flow state percentage is the #1 management metric for the 21st century” – James Slavet, Greylock Partners

This means, we need to actively design learning environments that help people reach the state of Flow.

Individual Flow triggers:

Individual flow triggers published by the Flow Research Collective

Team Flow triggers

Group flow triggers published by the Flow Research Collective

Superflow is developing a creator platform for active learning that helps you, as a coach or team lead promote the application of new frameworks, methods and practices to achieve high-performance as well as wellbeing at the same time - experiencing more Flow for your teams on a regular basis. Our platform is easy to navigate, minimizing exposure to extraneous details such as visual emphasis on design and navigation. Our goal is to provide learning experiences that encourage mental and affective engagement, metacognition, and avoid distractions. We achieve this by providing active learning experiences with appropriate and flexible scaffolding in written and video format, and carefully considering how sentiment analysis as well as visual design principles are linked to cognition. In group experiences, we offer functionality, guidance, and insights that help teams achieve the right dynamics for a shared Flow experience.

Here are our typical use cases that show you how you can easily create active learning experiences:

♒️ Learning in the Flow of Work
🎓 Academy
📈 Coaching
🪴 Onboarding & Talent Management
💡 Challenge-based learning: Mini Hackathons

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